Cultures Of The West : A History Volume 1 To 1750 Clifford Pdf Download UPDATED

Cultures Of The West : A History Volume 1 To 1750 Clifford Pdf Download

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Sources for Cultures of the Westward

Volume 1: To 1750

Third Edition

Clifford R. Backman

Publication Date - Oct 2019

ISBN: 9780190070304

304 pages
7-1/two x nine-1/4 inches

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Retail Price to Students: $xix.99

Sources that highlight key themes in the report of Western civilization

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Designed to back-trail Cultures of the West: Volume 1: To 1750, Third Edition (2019), and Cultures of the W: Book two: Since 1350, Tertiary Edition (2019), by Clifford R. Backman, the third editions of Sources for Cultures of the Due west, Book 1: To 1750 and Sources for Cultures of the Due west, Book 2: Since 1350 feature approximately half-dozen written sources per affiliate that highlight key themes in the study of Western civilisation. Each of the 189 sources is accompanied by a headnote. Each volume begins with a special unit, "How to Read a Main Source," that provides students with important advice on how to work with textual documents in studying the by. The tertiary edition includes twenty-one new sources.

New to this Edition

  • The third edition of Sources for Cultures of the West features a total of 20-i new sources

About the Writer(s)

Clifford R. Backman is Associate Professor of History at Boston University, where he has been a fellow member of the department since 1989. He is currently at work on a book that traces the development of toleration and interpersonal forgiveness in medieval Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Tabular array of Contents

    *=New to this Edition
    Affiliate i. Water and Soil, Stone and Metallic: The First Civilizations 10,000-12,000 BCE
    1.1 Shamash Hymn, ca. 2000-1600 BCE
    ane.ii "Verse form of the Righteous Sufferer," ca. 2000-1600 BCE
    i.3 "Tale of Sinuhe," Earliest MS ca. 1800 BCE
    1.4 "Epic of Gilgamesh," 18th Century-seventh Century BCE
    1.five From the Laws of Hammurabi, ca. 1772 BCE
    1.6 "Loyalist Educational activity," ca. 1550-thou BCE
    i.7 Egyptian Book of the Dead: "Negative Confession," in use ca. 1550-fifty BCE
    1.eight Great Hymn to the Aton, 14th Century BCE
    Chapter 2. The Monotheists: Jews and Persians 1200-550 BCE
    * 2.ane Creating, Destroying, and Renewing the World: Genesis, Chapters 1-8
    2.2 Book of Exodus: Moses and Pharaoh, Capacity 7, 11-12, and fourteen
    two.3 Book of Jeremiah, Prophecy to Israel, Chapters seven and eight, written ca. 6th Century BCE
    2.4 Outset Book of Kings, King Solomon and the Temple, Chapters vi-8, ca.10th Century BCE
    * two.5 The Book of Jonah: Prophecy, Penance, and Resistance, ca. 400 BCE
    * 2.6 The Cyrus Cylinder, ca. 539 BCE
    Affiliate 3. The Ancient Greeks: From Arrival to Glory 2000-479 BCE
    3.1 Hesiod, Works and Days, final third of 8th Century BCE
    3.ii Homer, The Iliad, 8th Century BCE
    * 3.3 The Commencement of Historical Writing: Herodotus and Thucydides
    3.4 Herodotus on the Egyptians, from the Histories, ca. 450-420 BCE
    three.five Thucydides, Peloponnesian War, early 5th Century BCE
    Chapter 4. The Classical and Hellenistic Ages 479-xxx BCE
    4.ane Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound (undated; fifth Century)
    4.2 Plato, Symposium, 385-380 BCE
    4.3 Aristotle, "On the Elements of Tragedy" (Poetics, Volume VI), ca. 335 BCE
    iv.4 Diogenes Laërtius, "Life of Zeno of Citium," The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, ca. first half of 3rd Century BCE
    4.five Book of Ezra, Rebuilding the Temple, Chapters 1-iii, 5-6, written ca. mid-5th Century BCE
    Chapter five. Romans and Republicans 753-27 BCE
    * 5.ane The Battle of Cannae (216 BCE), from Livy, From the Founding of the City, Book 22, Capacity 34-57
    * v.2 The State Law of Tiberius Gracchus (133 BCE)
    v.three Virgil, The Aeneid, betwixt 29 and 19 BCE
    * 5.4 Eulogy for a Wife: "In Praise of Turia" (1st century BCE)
    Chapter 6. Rome's Empire 27-305 CE
    6.1 Epictetus, Enchiridion, I, V, XIV, recorded early 2d Century CE
    half-dozen.2 Tacitus, Histories, before 117 CE
    six.3 From Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars: Caligula; Claudius, ca. 119 CE
    6.4A Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, ca. 170-180 CE
    6.4B The Third-Century Regal-Succession Crisis
    Chapter 7. The Ascent of Christianity in a Roman World
    7.i Josephus, The Jewish War, ca. 75 CE
    7.2 Pliny the Younger, Messages, 97-112 CE
    7.3 Celsus/Origen, Contra Celsus, Book I, Chapters six, 28; Book Three, Chapter 62; Volume IV, Chapter 73; Book Eight, Chapters 41, 49, 55; ca. 177 CE
    7.4A The Nicene Creed, Ii Versions
    7.4B Minucius Felix, Octavius, Chapter xxx, "Ritual Cannibalism Accuse against Christians," 3rd Century CE
    7.five The Gospel of Thomas, 4th Century, ca. 4th century CE
    7.6 Augustine of Hippo, Seventh Discourse on the Gospel of John
    Chapter 8. The Early Center Ages
    * viii.i Procopius, Ii Views of the Emperor Justinian, from The Clandestine History c. 554 CE
    8.2 Gildas, On the Ruin and Conquest of U.k., ca. 525-ca. 540 CE
    viii.3 Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks
    8.4 Gregory the Bully, "Life of St. Benedict," 593 CE
    8.5 Bede, Ecclesiastical History of English People, completed ca. 731 CE
    eight.6 Dhuoda, Handbook for William, 841/843 CE
    Chapter 9. The Expansive Realm of Islam
    9.ane Excerpts from the Qur'an, seventh Century CE
    9.2 Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad
    9.iii Al-Ghazali, The Deliverer from Error
    ix.iv One Chiliad and I Nights, 12th Century
    nine.5 Maimonides, Letter of the alphabet to Yemen, 1172 CE
    9.six Usamah Ibn Munqidh, Memoirs, 1183
    9.7 Ibn Rushd, On the Harmony of Religious Law and Philosophy
    9.eight Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed, 12th Century
    Chapter 10. Reform and Renewal in the Greater Due west
    x.i Einhard, Life of Charlemagne, written ca. 817-833
    x.2 Pope Gregory Vii, Letters
    10.3 Guibert de Nogent, Gesta Dei, 1107-1108
    x.4 Peter Abelard, Sic et Non
    10.5 Otto of Freising, The Two Cities
    x.six From "Song of Roland," ca. 1140-ca. 1170
    10.7 Trotula of Salerno, Handbook on the Maladies of Women, c. 1200
    * 10.viii A Muslim Traveler Describes the Rus: excerpt from Ibn Fadlan's Risala, c. 921 CE
    Chapter 11. Worlds Brought Downwards
    11.ane Dante Alighieri, Iii Speeches from The Divine Comedy
    11.2 Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, "Paolo and Francesco in Hell"
    11.iii Boccaccio, "The Nifty Plague"
    eleven.4 Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love, after 1373
    11.5 From Froissart, "On Flagellants," 1369-1400
    11.six Jakob Twinger, Chronicle, ca. 1382-1420
    Affiliate 12. Renaissances and Reformations
    12.ane Petrarca, "Letter to Posterity"
    12.2 From Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (Mad Orlando), 1516
    12.iii Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy, ca. 1517
    12.4 Erasmus, "Alphabetic character to a Friend," "Julius Excluded from Heaven," and Introduction to the Gospels, offset published 1522
    * 12.five Martin Luther, On the Liberty of a Christian, dedicatory alphabetic character to Pope Leo Ten (1520)
    12.6 Martin Luther, "Preface to the New Testament," first published 1522
    12.7 Francesco Guicciardini, Florence under Lorenzo de' Medici
    12.viii Cellini, My Life, 1558-1563
    12.9 Vasari, Lives of Artists, kickoff published in 1550, revised and added to until 1568
    CHAPTER 13. Worlds Old and New
    13.1 Bartolomé de las Casas, A Short Business relationship, written 1542; published 1552
    * xiii.2 Nicolaus Copernicus, Dedication of The Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies to Pope Paul III (1543)
    thirteen.3 Galileo Galilei, Letter to Don Benedetto Castelli, December 21, 1613
    xiii.iv John Donne, Sermon (Dec 12, 1626); "To His Mistress Going to Bed" (1633)
    xiii.5 Descartes, A Discourse on Method, 1637
    13.6 The Jesuit Relations, French Northward America, 1649 Thomas Hobbes, "On Natural Constabulary," Leviathan, 1651
    CHAPTER 14. The War of All Against All John Foxe, Foxe's Book of Martyrs, Trial of Anne Askew
    14.2 Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, "The Court of Suleiman the Magnificent," 1581
    xiv.3 From Christopher Marlowe, The Massacre at Paris, ca. 1593
    fourteen.4 Johannes Junius, Letter to His Daughter and Trial Transcript, 1628
    Affiliate fifteen. From Westphalia to Paris: Regimes Sometime and New
    15.ane Anne of French republic, Lessons for My Daughter (belatedly 16th Century)
    15.two Molière, The Misanthrope, first performed 1666
    15.iii Fundamental Richelieu, "The Role of the King," Political Testament, ca. 1638, beginning published 1688
    xv.four Jean Domat, Civil Laws According to the Natural Order, 1697
    15.5 François Fénelon, The Adventures of Telemachus, 1699

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